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Windows 8 Dev Camp, Cluj-Napoca - September 29

A great Windows 8 Dev Camp will be organized in September 29 by Codecamp and ITSpark. This event is 100% free. We will have 6 great sessions. See you there!
Nu a mai rămas mult până la lansarea oficială a Windows 8. Cu această ocazie Codecamp împreună cu ITSpark vă invită la “Windows 8 Dev Camp”. ÃŽn cadrul acestui eveniment o să disecăm o parte din secretele pe care un dezvoltator trebuie să le cunoască despre Windows 8.

Participarea la eveniment este gratuită. Mulțumim în special sponsorilor pentru susținere.
Sosirea participanților
What's new in Windows 8?
Tudor Damian
A brief overview of the new features and performance improvements in Windows 8.
Integrating the Windows 8 Experience with Contracts
Tiberiu Covaci
Windows 8 introduces a new system of integration within the operating system for third-party apps, which have the ability to interact more with each other and with the system itself. In this session we will see how to use it in our new Metro applications for Windows 8.
Designing Windows 8 Apps with Blend and PowerPoint Storyboards
Lorant Domokos
Windows 8 is a new Windows experience. Through the bold use of color, typography, and motion, Microsoft design style brings a fresh new approach to the user experience. In this talk, you'll learn about the Microsoft design principles and how to apply these principles to build your own apps using PowerPoint Storyboards and Blend.
Pauza de masa
Developing modern web applications: HTML 5, MVVM, Web Sockets
Mihai Tătăran
In this session you will see a modern approach to web applications, from designing the client-side JavaScript code, to communication strategies with the server backend. We will touch technologies and frameworks like: HTML 5, knockoutjs, Web Sockets, jQuery.
Introducing Windows Azure Mobile Services
Mihai Nadăș
Windows Azure Mobile Services makes it easy to connect a scalable cloud backend to your client and mobile applications. It allows you to store structured data in the cloud that can span both devices and users, integrate it with user authentication, as well as send out updates to clients via push notifications. In this session I will introduce Windows Azure Mobile Services, reveal the value they bring to developers and how it helps Windows 8 development.
Building and testing Windows 8 Metro Style Applications using C++,C# and JavaScript
Radu Vunvulea
In this session you will discover how you can develop applications that use components written in different programming language (C++, C# and JavaScript). A brief introduction in WinRT Components and testing tools will also be presented.

Pentru mai multe informații
  • Radu Vunvulea
  • Mihai Nadăș


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